Linguaggi Visuali e Interazione Uomo Macchina

Research Linguaggi Visuali e Interazione Uomo Macchina

Research in this area is aimed at improving the User Experience with modern interactive systems that affect the different spheres of an individual's life from health, work, leisure time, mobility, etc. A right combination of creativity, curiosity towards emerging technologies and experience in the field of Usability Engineering, feeds all the lines of research carried out in this area.

With particular reference to Human Computer Interaction, the most significant research areas include:

  • Participatory Design, User Centered Design (UCD) and their applications in software development processes
  • Universal design and assistive technology
  • E-inclusion
  • Multimodal Interaction
  • Mobile Health
  • ICT for Emerging Regions

As for Visual Languages, the most significant research areas include:

  • Development of Interactive Visual Systems
  • Information Visualization
  • Usability design and testing
  • Infographic
  • Visual data mining

Teaching activity:

  • Human-Computer Interaction of the Bachelor Degree in Computer Science
  • Human-Computer Interaction and Software Usability of the MSc Degree in Computer Science
  • Universal Design and Assistive Technologies (in English) of the MSc in Computer Science
  • Human Computer Interaction and Experience Design in the Internet Of Things (English) of the MSc in Computer Science
  • Enterprise Mobile Application Development of the MSc in Computer Science
  • Information Visualization of the MSc in Computer Science
  • Interactive Systems Design (English) of the MSc in Computer Science

Traineeship activities for students of the Bachelor Degree in Computer Science, aimed at the design and development of prototypes of usable interfaces for mobile / desktop / web-based / wearable systems, etc.

Research thesis on emerging topics in the field of Human Machine Interaction, Usability Engineering and Information Visualization.


Athula Ginige, Western Sydney University, Australia

Michela Bertolotto, University College Dublin, Ireland

Paloma Diaz and prof. Ignacio Aedo, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain

Robert Laurini, currently professor emeritus, INSA Lyon, University of Lyon, France

Angela Guercio, Kent State University, Ohio, USA

Ramesh Jain, University of California at Irvine, USA

Angela Vozella, Head of the Verification and Validation Laboratory and RAMS, Italian Aerospace Research Center (CIRA), Capua.

Gem Stepleton, University of Brighton, UK.


COSTAGLIOLA GennaroArea Representative
FRANCESE RitaArea Representative
FUCCELLA VittorioMember
SEBILLO Monica Maria LuciaMember
TORTORA GenoveffaArea Representative
TUCCI MaurizioArea Representative
VITIELLO GiulianaArea Representative


Computer Languages and User Experience LaboratoryCLUELab
Human Computer Interaction and Usability Engineering LabHCI-UsE
Mobile Computing
Visual Languages and Information Visualization